Tall. Short. Curvy. Thin. Pretty. Ugly.
These adjectives are used to describe nouns.
Giant. Midget. Fat. Lanky. Beautiful. Hideous.
These are the adjectives our society uses to describe beauty.
We live in a world that revolves around beauty. It encompasses our entire lives, it alters the way we view people. It influences our social life, relationships, and even our careers. As hard as it is already with our society's unrealistic demands in beauty, there's even more stress by the double standards.
If you wear too much makeup, you're fake.
If you don't wear any makeup, you're ugly.
If you wear revealing clothes, you're a slut.
If you wear baggy clothes, you're hiding something.
If you're not beautiful, then what are you?
We live in a world where men and women are insecure about their bodies and obsessed with their appearance because beauty affects everything that we say and do.
I know what it's like to deal with imperfections. Ever since I was a little girl, I wasn't happy with my body. I wasn't the skinniest girl, and I had to deal with weight gain and stretch marks. In my head, I imagined myself with a perfect body type and pretty features. But every time I looked in the mirror, all I saw was a sad, upset girl who was trying desperately to find her happy side.
It wasn't until my sophomore year of high school that I realized constantly being upset about my appearance and obsessing over how to change it wasn't fixing anything.
So I stopped.
I stopped trying to become something I wasn't and started accepting myself for all I was worth. It wasn't easy; I still doubted myself at times when I didn't feel as pretty as the person next to me. But I never gave up.
I know the concept of beauty is hard to escape and the negativity is never-ending, but the minute you start to love your imperfections, so will the rest of the world. Having confidence is one of the most beautiful attributes a person can have.
So embrace your flaws. Showcase your imperfections. Love your body for what it's worth, inside and out. Take a good look in the mirror, look yourself straight in the eyes and realize you're beautiful regardless of your insecurities.
You are beautiful, and don't let anyone ever take that away from you.