Writing a page a day helps me keep my creativity flowing. Recently, I have started trying to keep a goal for myself in writing a page a day in this little notebook I got for Christmas from my roommate. I have a neverending flow of thoughts in my brain constantly fighting to get there way out of my head.
I used to love drawing but discovered my artistic talent is next to none. Most times, I end up more disappointed than happy with the outcome of whatever I was trying to create. Writing is different. I always have different ideas floating in my brain trying to form a coherent plot line. However a lot of times I lose interest in the story and end up with a half finished piece.
That's when I began just writing short stories in my notebook. This way I could those ideas out without forgetting them if I wanted to come back to them, but I could also put it in words the creativity that flows through my head on day-to-day. Those short stories range from expressing the emotions that I am feeling that day to the plot lines that I actually want to write a story about sometimes.
To me, starting this has helped me cure my writer's block. I used to be really depressed being forced to writing about topics that didn't really interest me for courses and assignments. Even though it's only one small page a day, it helps me fall in love again with writing.
I would highly recommend to anyone who is losing their passion for writing to grab a mini-notebook and just challenge yourself to write a page a day of what you want to write. It will help you remember why you fell in love with writing in the first place. It also has been some of the inspiration for the topics I write here. Sometimes writing about something completely different from the topic you have to write about helps clear your head and remove the writer's block.
Give it a try it can't hurt to try out this method in order to get back your love of writing. Grab a journal or notebook that you like and write about your day. I started out with little rants in mine when I needed to vent. If you feel creative, then do a doodle and make a mood tracker in it because you can literally create whatever you want. No one ever has to see what you've created but it's a good way for yourself to let some of that creativity out. Some of my article ideas come out through this free form of writing.