With the start of this new year, everyone is using this time to start fresh. Some are focusing on their health, others on their careers, and some on their lifestyle.
This year, I am choosing to focus on who I surround myself with.
I originally made this pact with myself mid-2018 and thought I was doing good at watching who I let around me. It wasn't until recently that I took a step back and realized I still had some work to do.
I am naturally a "small circle" type of person. I was never the person always making new friends or becoming close with people quickly. Eventually, I began to feel like I wasn't being friendly enough, and that I needed to branch out and be an extrovert for once. I soon realized that wasn't the best lifestyle for me. I was uncomfortable saying certain things around certain people. Or I was tired of people saying certain things around me.
The one thing I have never had an issue with is realizing when I need or want to remove myself from a situation.
I am a firm believer in protecting one's happiness and peace.
When I feel a toxic relationship forming, I react quickly. I truly believe that your attitude and personality can feed off of those around you, so I am very careful of who I let in my circle. I have learned that loving someone from a distance is a better option than continuing to dwell in a toxic, awkward, or unhappy relationship.
This year I plan to place myself in environments that nourish me mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, and I encourage others to do the same. One thing I would like to do is find a mentor within my career field or a similar one, and who shares my values. Everyone can benefit from having a person in their life who they can learn from and reach out to for advice.
As I enter my full-time career this upcoming summer, I also want to network more and build connections that may help me down the line, or where I may help someone else.
Lastly, I want to meet other young adults who are striving to walk a similar spiritual walk to mine, so that I can grow in my faith.
So this year, I encourage everyone to think of three things you can do to enhance or cleanse your circle. At the end of the day, you have to do what is best for you and your happiness.