It seems that all I can write about lately are the current happenings in our nation. Shooting after shooting, riot after bloody riot. There is discourse and an increase of disagreement within our government. It is as if no one can simply sit down and listen to one another, to understand one another and one another's motives, aspirations and values.
I have written an article regarding the importance of political parties working together, but it goes deeper and far surpasses government alone. Truly listening encompasses every inch of our nation, in every area where conversation can cause discord and differing opinions are judged rather than considered. It is so incredibly vital that we use our ability to empathize and listen now more than ever before.
As a mostly white, heterosexual female, I do not receive regular discrimination and do not fear for my life when I leave my house everyday. My lifestyle is not in constant question, and I have been extremely blessed in not having to experience violence, poverty or judgement because of who I am and/or where I come from. I am incredibly lucky and because of this, I need to open my ears and my heart to those who do not live the way that I do, those who do not have the freedoms that I possess.
I recognize that my responsibility in the wake of such horror and violence, racism and discrimination that our country has been facing, is to listen and to love without conditions. It is my responsibility - all of our responsibilities - to speak up for our brothers and sisters in need. It is our job, first and foremost, to lay aside our preconceived notions of race, gender, sexuality, etc. and listen to those who are hurting. I do not think that listening and loving one another goes against one's values or religion, no matter one's stance on these issues. I believe that listening and opening one's heart to others' sorrows and fears is imperative in the healing process of our nation.
The bottom line is that our country and the inhabitants of it need to learn how to listen, truly listen. Our country needs to set aside anything that may get in the way of seeing one another as beautiful creations worthy of love and understanding. It is imperative that those of us who are privileged in not having to experience racism, discrimination, poverty, etc. extend a hand and let those who do experience these things, that we stand with them and will fight against every injustice alongside them, no matter what. It is vital that we use all resources and opportunities to represent them in government and any institution that may serve injustices.
So, friends, I encourage you to stop speaking, stop giving your opinions, and start listening. When we listen, we learn that there is so much more to every issue we see on the news. We can learn from conversations with people who face these issues, and we can help our nation grow by being a beacon of light in a very dark place.