Being able to recognize and let go of an unhealthy relationship in other words "toxic" can be hard and uncomfortable to let go to what you know so well. When you do take a step back and recognize how you deserve to be treated it's like a breath of fresh air, you look back and think to yourself "How did I ever let it get to this point?"
You could be in a rough relationship with anyone: a boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend. Toxicity has no boundaries. As the movie Perks of Being a Wallflower says: "We accept the love we think we deserve." That quote spoke to me when I was watching it, I wondered why it resonated so well with me so one day I took a step back and evaluated my relationships with people I know. I came to realize there was one person who I had a bumpy relationship with.
I'm a person who's goal in life is to surround myself with people who have motivation and drive and are genuine people to be around. So looking at this relationship filled with bumpy roads and sharp turns, I realized (as selfish as it sounds) they weren't serving me any purpose they were just there and were an added stress. So I was nothing but honest and had to say goodbye.
Now just because I let go of that relationship doesn't mean I don't care for them or wish nothing but the best for them. It's just I saw myself going in a complete opposite direction, we both wanted two different things. I didn't want to live my life filled with stress and unnecessary drama and that's okay that I let go. All relationships or situations teach you a lesson whether it be good or bad you take the knowledge from the situation and keep it in your back pocket so you can grow as a person and develop a stronger sense of self.
Never feel guilty for doing what's in your best interest. At the end of the day you have to live with yourself and the choices you make. Do what's the best for you and if that's letting go of a destructive relationship that doesn't serve you any purpose, you need to be honest, let go and learn to move on to bigger and better things.
Philippians 3:13 "Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead."