There are many things I've learned in this past year of life.
One major thing, is that not everyone is going to be there for you in the hard times of life.
Sometimes you have be the one that picks yourself up, even in the times you feel you try your hardest and it feels like you can't
This year has definitely tested me and tried my patience more than I have ever thought.
I have had to learn that after leaving high school, standing on your own feet, is one of the hardest things I've had to endure thus far.
Secondly, you have total control of your future and you are the one who can change it.
Even though I may not have moved away my first year like most of my peers, I have definitely learned that not everyone is going to hold your hand through everything.
I have had to depend on myself more than I ever had.
Learning that I was in control of my future and that if I wanted to go somewhere different, I was the only one who was going to be able to do it.
I had to learn, not everyone you think are your best friends, actually are your best friends.
Not everyone you think has your best interest in mind, actually does.
I had to go through people I thought were my best friends for life leaving my life to push me into knowing this.
I had to learn that people that because something may hurt you in life, doesn't mean that something good won't come out it.
This made me look out for my own future.
It definitely pushed me into realizing this.
This definitely taught me what motivation actually is.
I believe that in life, that everything happens for a reason, and I believe in some moments you have to fall before you can get to where you need to be.
Sometimes, things may hit you when you least expect it, but in the end may end up better than you originally planned.
Again, in life, you may have to fall before you can fly.