What I'm Learning through Writing | The Odyssey Online
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What I'm Learning through Writing

Writing shows just how artistic the mind can be.

What I'm Learning through Writing

Writing doesn't happen in a moment. Writing isn't always easy, and it for sure isn't something that always just has a flow to it. It can be very easy to lose your way while trying to find the correct words that will fit, like trying to complete a puzzle where all the pieces are turned upside down. Sometimes you may find the piece quickly, without much of an effort. While other times, it is just near impossible to convey the correct sense of your mind.

I think that it does take a little bit to start learning from yourself, because that's really what you are doing. As you write more and more, you start to develop a writing style, basically a writing fingerprint. You start to realize what kind of vocabulary you tend to gravitate towards, and you realize the mannerisms that you frequently use. When you change what you write about, for school or for fun, these can be seen even more. This fingerprint also gets shown in different styles, such as poetry, essays, letters to your family.

Learning from writing is something that I've been able to do for quite a long time. I've been able to write in some recreational form since I was in Middle School (2004), and doing so has allowed me to express thoughts and emotions on many different platforms. It has taught me patience, made me look at how I think about things, and it has made me really see just how my train of thought runs. I think writing also made me realize just how much that I enjoy something that I never would have otherwise given a chance. It has provided me a large amount of fun and enjoyment.

It has taught me patience because I've run into a tremendous amount of writer's block, and it can be frustrating in trying to deal with that. It takes a lot of patience to realize that you need to just take a step away from writing and do something else. Walking away from writing can be hard to do because you just want to get it done because you just want to get done with whatever you're doing.

It made me look at how I think about things, because I noticed that a lot of my poetry had a more negative feel and vibe to them, and that it was harder to write about the positive things in my life. I've always had positive things in my life, but it was hard to focus on them because it takes an active mind. When I was able to start writing about these, I noticed that I not only improved my train of thought, but it also made me realize just how many amazing things I have in my life.

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