There comes a point in your life where everything you were in the past suddenly seems so foreign. You think about where you have been, who your friends were, what you used to do to pass your time, and it all seems so unreal…misplaced…a distant memory that you cannot imagine ever experiencing. Who was that person? Why did I do that?
Maybe, and this could be true, it is just me. Maybe it is just the stage in my life where questioning everything is on the forefront of my mind.
I have done some questionable things in my past but I do not regret it. I do not regret it because it has made me who I am today. But that brings me to my next thought, who am I today? Life is constantly evolving and I am constantly changing simultaneously with it.
I gave a speech in my class this semester that introduced who I am. I wrote a biography this semester that showed who I am. But, honestly, neither the speech nor the biography is an accurate representation of who I am.
This is the time in life where people start questioning. So question things. Question who you are and who you want to be. Question everything. It is okay.