It's something everyone has struggled with. Insecurities, lack of self-confidence, self hate. It gets to the best of us. And to over come all of those things and to one day be perfectly okay with your body seems impossible. It seemed impossible to me when I looked in the mirror and wanted to do unspeakable things to myself. It seemed impossible to me everyday when I looked at the people around me and felt like shit next to all of them. But, I'm here to say it isn't impossible.
Being completely and 100% comfortable with yourself and your body takes a lot of effort. Honestly, it was easier to sit back, compare myself to others and feel like dying every day of my life. It's so much easier to let yourself fall into a bad mental state all because of things that won't matter one day. But there has to come a time when you end it. You have to look at yourself and your life and be fed up with how it is going. You have to be the change. And believe me, it's extremely difficult when it seems like you're the problem. But it can happen.
What ever it is, find something to get you through the rough days. Build up a support system if you don't have one. Be your own support system. Because each and every one of us deserve love, not only just from other people, but more importantly from ourselves. You may not believe it no matter what but you truly do. And once you remember and believe that you are strong, independent, intelligent, beautiful, worth it, you can be confident in your life and stop letting people treat you like shit. Nobody deserves to be abused, used, manipulated, or treated poorly by anyone. If you don't love and believe in yourself, you might be okay with these things happening to you. And I hope that nobody ever does.
I still have scars on my body. I still remember the mental state I was in when I hated everything about myself and my life. It isn't something you can just forget. But you can change. You can change who you hangout with and who you want to be. You can be the baddest bitch you want to be. As long as you know that you are worth nothing less than the best. And that all of your flaws and insecurities are okay. As long as you know that it's still okay to have those things, as long as you don't let them get in the way of being who you want to be .
I used to never understand the idea that you have to love yourself before loving someone else but now, I think I do. It's not some strict rule or anything, because for some people they may need another person to boost their confidence and help them become okay with themselves. But it is saying that if you don't, you won't have the confidence to know when to walk away from someone who is toxic and abusive. If you don't love yourself first, you could become attached in an unhealthy way which is one of the worst things for you. If you don't love yourself first, you could have trust issues, which can practically ruin and make your relationship toxic.
Loving yourself, knowing your worth, and having the ability to be independent are all things that are vital. It took ma while to realize it, but I am the one who should come first in my life. Nobody else. You are the most important person and your happiness, success, and needs should never be held back by anyone, and I mean anyone. Love yourself like how Kanye loves Kanye.