I have always been drawn to poetry. The way the words flow, pulling me in with each line, and resonating within me. Poetry seems to always be able to be so powerful and significant. Here are five short poems that are full of words of wisdom:
1. R.H. Sin.
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This poem reminds you that it is OK to feel hurt. Everyone goes through situations at some point that leaves them broken and hurt. Society makes it seem like you have to be tough, not show any emotion, and move on. It is perfectly fine to let it hurt, as long as you let it go.
2. A.R
This poem hits deep. It reminds you that sometimes love is blind. The feelings you get when you think you're in love are so similar to the feelings you get when you are in pain. Love can be painful. What was once characteristics of love can so easily become the signs of your pain.
3. Atticus
Atticus shows you fear is normal, and it shouldn't be the thing holding you back. What makes you stronger, more powerful is when you go on despite the fear you feel.
4. D.J.
You will across people in your life that are both the perfect summer day and a hurricane. They can make you the happiest person, but can also be the worst storm you have ever endured. Sometimes you aren't sure which one that person is. In the end, they will always change your life in some way.
5. E.H.
This poem greatly shows how you should define yourself. You are not a number or your appearance. You are the experiences you have, the people you interact with, and so on. The things you place your identity on so much have so little value in the end.