Although college is a time filled with learning new things, meeting new people, and having a great time, it can also become extremely stressful. I have just started my college career, but I am slowly starting to learn how to separate myself from the negative noise and take time to make sure I stay mentally healthy and prevent becoming emotionally drained. Here's a list of all of the ways that I have learned to stay in a positive mindset:
1. Nap
Being a college athlete and full-time student is both physically and mentally taxing, so I make sure to set a few allotted naps for myself during the week to prevent myself from feeling exhausted or becoming ill.
2. Netflix
It's nice to escape real life sometimes and emotionally invest myself into a TV show or a movie on Netflix in my downtime. I highly recommend Stranger Things, the Scream TV series, the Office, and Parks and Rec to take your mind off of your studies.
3. Splurge (with reason)
I've also learned that although it is incredibly important to save money, you have to learn how to spend money for fun sometimes. Meaning, it's okay to go out to eat with your friends every once and a while, and yes it's okay to buy that new shirt that you really want. Life is short, so make sure you're treating yourself.
4. Alone time
In college, you are constantly surrounded by other people. This can grow on a person, and it is important to occasionally be by yourself and recharge.
5. Take breaks during studying/ study with friends
Studying for excessively long amounts of time can actually be harmful to you and after a while you will be less likely to remember the information that you're trying to memorize. Taking breaks will make sure that you are recharged by the next time you sit down to study, and sitting down to study with friends will keep you more interested and therefore you will remember the information more effectively.
6. Spend time with friends
Finally, it is vital to your sanity to spend time with your friends and take breaks from your responsibilities. You won't be in college forever, so make the most of it.