Rejection. Some of us have come to know this word very well, but for some reason rejection never gets easier. We are rejected by jobs and from people. We are rejected because of our inability to do something or even the way that we look. Rejection surrounds us, but it is still one of the most difficult things to deal with.
Of course we respond negatively to rejection. No one wants to be turned away from something they really need or something they are passionate about. For example, I applied for a job and although I did not actually believe that I would receive the position the rejection was not any easier. As a college student that is going to graduate this semester I know that I am going to be dealing with a large amount of rejection from "big girl" jobs. But like I said earlier, that does not make it any easier. So what does make rejection easier?
If you are rejected by a company:
1. Work 10x harder.
This will help you build self confidence and it will build your resume.
2. Make connections.
Build your network and meet new people that can help you succeed. Remember, it's all about who you know!
3. Try again.
You have to pick yourself up. Keep going. Because dwelling on the fact that something didn't go as planned or that you were rejected from your dream job should not keep you from trying!
Don't ever give up on your dreams!
If you are rejected by people:
1. Remember that this does not make you any less of a person.
Just because someone does not like you does not mean that you need to think any less of yourself. I understand that this concept is hard, especially as a people pleaser. But, remember there is no possible way to please everyone.
2. Do not change for anyone. Pick yourself up and keep going.
You are perfect just the way you are. If you look different, that is okay! If you think differently, that is okay!
3. Lean on the people who have accepted you with open arms.
When dealing with a difficult dose of rejection, lean on the people who have never left your side. Your friends. Your family. These people can remind you of just how wonderful you are.
4. Remember that you do not need to win the approval of another. You are beautifully made. Never forget that!
You have been made perfect in the image of God. You already have the approval of the Almighty God. Keep your head held high and push to prove those that rejected you wrong. Don't ever give up on who you are.