After graduating high school I assumed I knew everything in order to survive without my mom, well except cook but that's not currently important. I could tell you that you do not wash your whites with your colors if you really love that white shirt and that making eggs in the microwave is not the same like they were done on the stove. So here is what I have learned going on three months of being at college.
1.You're going to have to watch how you spend. So no more going to McDonald's everyday after your last class or going to the movies every Friday night with your friends. Even if you have a job or your dad's credit card you need to learn to budget.
2.Netflix=procrastination x10. That's self-explanatory but netflix isn't going to help on that math quiz.
3.You will call your mom because you just want to talk to her. Legitimately call my mom at least once a day because class sucked or I am just bored.
4.Cat food will always and I mean always will suck. So stock up on junk food and soda.
5.Not everyone will be in a relationship like they were in high school. Don't sweat it, everybody doesn't care if you date and if they do it doesn't matter.
6.Don't go home every other weekend, stay till homecoming and then go home if you can. You end up joining more clubs and hanging out with people you never would have suspected.If you go home before homecoming you will miss out on a lot of activities for freshmen to become friends.
What I've learned didn't include how to cook or how to not procrastinate, it taught me how to survive college without my mom. Granted my mom has come up at least once since moving in but the only thing she did was buy groceries, because I'm a lazy college student who doesn't know the first thing about grocery shopping.So for not having my mom here to constantly try to teach me life lessons I believe I've done pretty well.