What do we consider motivation? If we lack it, how can we spark it from deep within us? Lately, that has been the question that I have been trying to answer for myself. With a new semester approaching, I wanted to make sure that my batteries where fully re-charged to have a strong begging to the semester. I have been trying to think what can I change to feel more motivated.
First, I have been trying to change my routine and the way I approach learning. I believe maybe along the lines of how can I constantly keep myself motivated. How can I constantly feel like school should be my number one priority? The most important of all is how can I stay on top of my deadlines and homework assignments?
What I decided to test out this week is maybe staying on top of my homework assignments by doing them very ahead of time. So, if it gets to a point where I have something due, I can maybe take that day off. This way I can stay on top of my assignments and not feel like I am drowning in homework. Another thing is how can I spark and keep this as a consistent trend, always staying on top of things. I have also left myself little notes that remind me that it is better to stay ahead than fall behind.
A mistake that I made last semester was that I got very comfortable with my classes. I believed that the reason that I did not perform to the best of my abilities was that I did not stay on top of what I should have. I would wait to the last minute to do my homework and since I would be in such a crunch time I would not perform as great. Towards the end of last semester, I decided to change my study spot beside a place that wasn't my room. This helped focus a lot more when it takes to get my assignments done. I would go to the UCF library and grab one of those desks that are enclosed so I did not have an outside distraction. I also would go to various coffee shops such as Foxtail and Deeply Coffee.
I know that some of these techniques will not work for everyone but you must try different things. If you want to see different results this school year, you must do something different. Change your study space or maybe you should look at your studies in a completely different light. That Is what I have been trying to do, I have not been trying to not look at homework as a dreading task, but trying to make it something of my everyday routine. I believe this is why a lot of college students have trouble being motivated. We look at school as a grueling task instead of making it something of our everyday routine and thinking that eventually, we will never have to do anything of that nature.