There's a lot that I've learned in my 19 years on earth. From lessons about relationships to friendships to even what you like and dislike, those first (nearly) two decades are all about your continued growth as an individual. Here are 19 things I've learned:
1. Mom is always right.
Seriously. About everything.
2. You don't need a million friends to feel loved by others.
Just one, maybe two will suffice. Trust me.
3. It's good to spend time with family.
You don't have forever with them, appreciate the time you have now.
4. School is important.
...and so are your grades.
5. Sleep is the best friend you've ever had.
Your bed is too.
6. It's okay to have your heart broken sometimes...
7. ...but it's not okay to let the same person break it over and over.
8. You can do literally anything you set your mind to.
9. Eat your fruits and veggies and drink plenty of water.
Except for brussels sprouts, those are not okay.
10. Wear the crop top. Wear the two piece swim suit.
Don't worry about what anyone thinks. If you think you look good, go for it.
11. Appreciate the adult figures in your life--both friends and family.
They help to shape your world, just like your parents do.
12. Appreciate your younger siblings.
They grow up right before your eyes, and it gets more difficult to take in as the years go on.
13. Take risks, never wonder what could have been.
14. (Try to) save money.
15. Join something at school, it's fun to be involved.
16. Put your phone down, life goes by too fast. Enjoy it.
17. Appreciate little kids.
They're almost clueless to all the bad in the world, and they're fun to talk to about stupid things.
18. Appreciate (and thank) the teachers you've had.
They're the foundation of your learning, they teach you more than just school subjects, and they make all other careers possible.