This summer, I took an unpaid internship. I worked as a marketing intern at a music venue a mile away from my house and completed it for college credit. When I was hired for the position, I thought it would be awesome. What music enthusiast wouldn’t want to work for a music venue? So what if it wasn’t paid! I was excited. I knew I’d have to continue working a second job that I hated in order to at least make SOME money over the summer. But, once again, who cares? I had my dream internship.
It turns out, my dream internship, wasn’t exactly my dream. The job was unglamorous and boring. I found that my assignments and projects were meaningless and often could be construed as busywork. I didn’t learn any new skills and often felt like I may have been overqualified for the job. Simply put, the job was easy…ridiculously easy. But, I realize now, that the internship was unpaid because simply was easy. It is meant to give me something that makes my resume stand out in my field in exchange for some meaningless housekeeping assignments for the organization I interned for. This being said, I will never EVER take an unpaid internship again.
I will never take an unpaid internship again because I want to be challenged. I want to use my talent and creativity for something that can be of use. I want a harder job that is worth being paid to do. I want a position that will teach me and enhance my skills. I also want to feel more motivated to hand in a quality product.
After taking an unpaid internship and after having to work long days and two jobs, I have become more motivated to work for a higher paying job so I will never have to work two jobs at a time again. It was absolutely exhausting and emotionally draining.
My unpaid internship has taught me more about what I would like to do with my career and what I would not like to do. I have a better understanding of what type of work environment I want to be a part of.