When I started this summer, I had my plans straightened out. I was going to work and eventually move back to college and live with my best friends. I had no idea that I would have decided to transfer schools in the middle of the summer.
This decision was the most important and hardest decision that I have made since I chose to go to my first school. To make the decision, it took a lot of courage and the determination to go through with the transfer before it was too late.
I learned that courage comes out of nowhere. When I first thought about transferring, it was a whim. I never thought that I would actually go through with it. However, the more I thought about it, the more I started to realize that if I was going to do it, it had to be now. Within a week of the first thought, I was starting the transferring process.
I'm not going to lie, the courage occasionally left me. I had to remind myself of what was important. I had to choose my future and financial stability over my desire to be with my friends. I had to decide to leave a school that I still love in order to be able to spend time with my fast growing nieces and nephew.
I also learned that leaving isn't failure. I was concerned that by leaving my school, it was quitting. I hate the thought of quitting because I am a big believer in the fact that there is something to learn from everything. I was scared that if I left I would be missing something important.
Leaving isn't quitting or failure. Leaving is more about admitting that you need something different. I didn't need going out every night and partying. I needed my family and my home. I could have stayed, but I would have missed out on the thing that is most important to me: my nieces and nephew growing up. There is nothing wrong with accepting that fact you need something different and changing your course.
The best thing about becoming the "driver" of your life is that you can go anywhere you want.
Never be afraid to try something new. If you have the opportunity and think you will learn more, or get more from it, then go with it. You will always regret the things you don't do. While I might regret leaving every once in a while, I know that I will never be there wishing I'm at home.
Sometimes you just have to go with your gut, even though you may be scared. It's okay to be scared, but always try your best and don't let your fear stop you from going out and trying new things.