365 pages- that's how many pages we are all given each year to write our own stories. In just 365 days our lives are constantly changing and growing. I always take time and just reflect on each year as the new year approaches. 2016 has had its ups and downs for me, but overall for me 2016 was a good year. I learned a lot this year, 2016 was definitely the year of realizing things.
This year I've learned that hardships brings strength. Our future is not determined by our setbacks or failures, it's determined by how hard we rise after the fall. Fall down seven times, get back up eight. Never be scared of failure, failure is the key to success because each mistake teaches us something.
2016 taught me what self love really means. Self love isn't comparing yourself to every model or girl you see on Instagram but embracing YOU and who you truly are. Not trying to change yourself to be accepted by people who don't even care about your well being. I've learned there's a big difference between being selfish and knowing your worth. You're not being selfish for putting yourself first and you're not "conceited" for loving yourself either. How can you expect someone to love you if you don't even love yourself?
I've learned losing friends is only apart of the journey of this thing called life. Yes, I know it hurts to lose people because you still have all the memories. But some friends weren't meant to last forever, sometimes God removes old friends from our lives because they don't play a part in where he's taking us anymore. I always found myself questioning why I was losing friends? Now I realized they've already served their purpose in my life. you lose friends and gain better ones.
I've learned how to be truly happy. I stopped listening to what everyone else had to say and did things for myself. I started doing things I like and loved. I stopped focusing on the negative and learned to stay positive. You can't get positive results with a negative mindset.
But most importantly I found myself. I found who I truly was and that's the most important thing. Finding yourself is probably one of the hardest things in life, people spend a lifetime trying to find themselves. I've learned you can't let the judgement of others stop you from being you because you're no longer you -you are someone everyone else wants you to be. Find yourself and others will find you.
Thank you 2016 I now know "me" better than anyone else ever will, I know my self worth, I know failure is what helps us grow and learn from our mistakes, I know losing friends is apart of my journey in life, I finally know what true happiness is, and hard times don't last forever. Remember you're the author of your own story. Make the most out of all that's left in 2016. Remember how far you've come and how much you've grown as a person. And last but not least remember to take advantage of your present time you won't get another moment like it. Everyone's always so worried about what's going to happen tomorrow or what happened yesterday and not consuming everything in the present. Be grateful for what you have, your life, no matter how bad it is, it's someone else's fairy tale. Here's to learning more life lessons, becoming a better version of myself, and moving forward. 2017 I'm ready for you.