With just one semester under my belt, I experienced more than I could have imagined in the 15 week-time span. They weren't kidding when they said that college truly changes you as a person, for the better that is.
Here are a few things I've learned throughout my time here:
1. Time management
You get this whole new feel of responsibility. Picking classes for your schedule, making time for homework and studying, what you decide to do with your day. Time is literally in your hands.
2. Meet as many new people as you possibly can
College allows you ENDLESS opportunities to meet new people. Throughout classes, dorms/apartments, clubs, there are new faces EVERYWHERE—don't be afraid to spark a conversation with one!
3. You will feel overwhelmed
From exams, due dates, papers, readings, and meetings, it can get incredibly stressful trying to balance all of this, but my advice is to invest in a PLANNER! This will save your life in more ways than you think. Write down absolutely EVERYTHING you need to do—even if it is as silly as "Do laundry at 3 PM."
Keeping a checklist and crossing off tasks as you go will not only keep you motivated, but the feeling of accomplishment is pretty equivalent to feeling like a million bucks as a college student
4. Get involved!!!
I bet you're tired of hearing, "Join clubs on campus and get as involved as you can!" But honestly, this is so true. Put yourself into as many uncomfortable situations as possible—from doing this, I've tried new things, met amazing people and have become more open-minded to new opportunities!
5. But don't take on too much you can't handle
Take on what you can and do it well, rather than overloading your schedule and getting burned out quickly. Allow yourself that free time!
6. Coffee, coffee and might I add, COFFEE
7. Each day is a new day
8. If you aren't 100% in love with your major, don't be afraid to switch it
Do college for YOU. You're the person who has to take the classes for your major, you're the person who has to learn material from the textbooks, you're the person who has to wake up each morning to go to your career you worked so hard for. Just please, decide your major for you and what makes YOU happy. These next 4 years are for YOU!!!
9. Don't take life too seriously
Wherever you are right now is just temporary. The mistakes you make now will lead to knowledge gained for the future.
10. FOMO is REAL (Fear Of Missing Out)
This is the fear and anxiety of not being at fun or exciting events that you see happening on social media. Make sure to find the balance between going out and your studies!!!
11. Tone out the stereotypes
Ignore the cringe-faces from telling someone you're in a certain club or a sorority. If you like it, you don't owe an explanation to anyone! Also, be judgment free and let people do whatever they get enjoyment out of! Stressing about others and what they choose to make them happy will only put you in a negative mindset. Hakuna Matata :)
12. Focus on YOU (I say this again, but this is SO important!)
This is your time to figure out who you are and what you want be
13. Treat yo'self
Ice cream, Chinese take-out, and 24 hours consisting of nothing but movies and sleeping sounds like a great day to me.
14. Don't forget to have fun!
Rumor has it college is the best time of your life. We're all young enough that we don't need to officially be adults, but old enough to live on our own or even purchase alcohol. Be as adventurous as you possibly can, create memories, try new things, value your own thoughts and don't be afraid to see a different perspective through the eyes of someone else. These are where your "Oh, back in college I did..." stories begin—make them worth remembering!