Most peoples' lives revolve around technology nowadays. People walk through the streets (probably playing Pokemon Go) with their heads down and their faces in their phones. It seems to be more common to see a family at a restaurant all on their phones during dinner than it is to see a family praying before dinner. People get so caught up and absorbed in social media and knowing what everyone else is doing that they forget to embrace and appreciate their own moments.
With all of that being said, I recently took the challenge of putting my phone down and deleting all of my social medias for a whole week, and I encourage you to do the same.
Putting my phone down taught me many things, and I could go on and on about them for God only knows how long but one important thing that I learned stuck out to me more than any others. Ever heard of the phrase "Ignorance is bliss?" (I don't know why I ask, because I know you have). When you put your phone down for a week, you quickly realize just how valuable that phrase really is. So that got me thinking, why do we even care about Kim Kardashian "throwing shade" at Taylor Swift on Snapchat? Or why do we need to know that your ex-best friend's cousin's best-friend caught a fish? We're constantly filling our brains with information that we do not need to know or care about. When you take the time to appreciate the world around you, rather than the virtual world of social media, you have the opportunity to find joy and comfort in the smallest of things. You can cherish the beauty of your surroundings and be exposed to all new ways of life.
You might not realize it when you're 64 weeks deep stalking someone that you've never met before, but life really is what you make it. I don't know about you, but when I look back twenty years from now I don't want to regret not cherishing the moments and opportunities that I was given because I was too worried about being on my phone.
So stop playing Pokemon Go and stalking strangers on Instagram, and checking your best friend's boyfriend's favorites on Twitter, and posting your dinner on snapchat, and appreciate the life that's surrounding you each and every day. Become ignorant to the petty Twitter drama and excessive amount of selfies and get lost in life.
Be adventurous, read a book, have a heart-to-heart, go on a walk, fall in love with life, fall in love with yourself, and put your phone down.