From the girl taking my order at Dutch Bros, to the boy who broke my heart, and every kind, or difficult, person that has crossed my path, I’ve found myself always learning my likes and dislikes from interactions, and applying them to who I am as a person. Who I do and don’t want to be, how I do and don’t want to be treated; as well as how I wish to treat others, what message I want to send out to the world, and overall what kind of life I wish to live. I’ve said before that I believe every person has a sole purpose in the life of those they cross paths with, and in mine, each person has imprinted in me something worth remembering. People have always been my greatest teachers for countless reasons, and I’m glad to really believe that I’m a better person because of it. Here’s what people have given me:
1. A love-inspired attitude
One thing I know for sure is that I will always live a life of love. I’ve seen so much hate in my personal life, but also just in the world that has inspired me to remain kind and loving always. You’d be amazed at how much easier life is when you’re filled with love. It pushes out the bad and really leaves no room for hate, anger and resentment - three things I don’t commonly feel.
2. Empathy
I have seen so many people in vulnerable states, and with that has always come a new heart-dropping moment of realization where I’ve only understood pain on a deeper level. I can honestly say I had never known pain, until I watched someone else suffer before me. When I’ve seen others suffer, it’s only ever added to the list of things to be aware of, to be understanding of, to the reasons why I should ask rather than assume. It’s shown me that I never want to be the by standard when I can hold someone’s hand and let them know they have me there. I never want to inflict hurt or negative emotions in anyone’s life.
3. A thirst for life
People who love life, inspire me to do the same. People who pursue their passions, who always find time to enjoy, who explore, who never let obstacles be a setback, who don’t take themselves too seriously, who do what they can to be happy, are my inspiration to do the same. I want to be someone who lives fully, and I’ve come across so many people who have only ever encouraged me to do so.
4. All the things I never want to be
I’ve learned from so many people who I never want to be. I never want to be someone who makes anyone feel less or belittled, I never want to fill a room with negative energy, I never want to turn my back on someone in need, I never want to be petty, unapproachable, unkind, insincere or hateful. I hope more than anything that I can live up to my standards of love, respect and kindness, especially when I’ve witnessed so many people I care about unable to.
5. Self-love
I know that self-love has different meaning to every person. To me, self-love is making my energy and love exclusive to those deserving of it. Having been hurt so deeply by someone for a very long time made me feel pretty awful about myself and affected me negatively in more than one way. I learned mostly through him that those I allow into my life are a clear reflection of how much I love myself, and now I only allow people who want for me, what I want for myself. Who love, encourage, support, respect and care about me as I do them. I’ve also learned that I will always do my best for people, because I’ve been shown what it is for someone to do their worst.