As I'm sure many people are aware, Valentine's Day arrives next weekend. If I have learned anything in life, it is that you don't necessarily need to be with other people to be happy. As much as I think that Valentine's Day can be fun and exciting, I can say with certainty that I have never felt my happiness diminish because I did not receive a heart-shaped box of chocolates, a stuffed bear, or red roses.
You save a lot of money.
You know what's expensive on Valentines Day? Everything. Chocolates, flowers, balloons, you name it, it's overpriced. I think of being single on Valentine's Day as an investment. That $300 you would spend on buying your other half concert tickets and Xbox games is now money in the bank.
All of the chocolate.
With all that extra money you saved, you can treat yourself to 50 percent off chocolate boxes on February 15th. What a steal! The best part? You can eat it all guilt-free, without having to worry about squeezing into your date night dress.
There's no pressure.
When you're single on Valentine's there's no pressure to get reservations for the most romantic spot in town. In fact, there's no pressure for anything. You have nowhere to be and no one to wait on so you get to spend the day relaxing. It's perfectly acceptable to spend the day sleeping late and eating Chinese take-out in your extra-large fleece pajamas.
You get to watch "Titanic" without interruption.
We all know the ending... but it's really annoying when Bae keeps reminding you that Jack is still going to die in the end.
You can do whatever you want.
Contrary to your beliefs you're not going to be forever alone, so go wing your eyeliner and spend the night out with your girls!
Its okay.
Being single on Valentine's Day is not the end of the world and you're most definitely not the only one.