We all have those friends who seem to be in every memory we have, from tee ball days, awkward middle school phases, proms, graduations, and even college. The ones who know you like the back of their hand and the ones who have became family over the years. The ones who you know you can call at anytime of day and they'll be there. The ones who you experience everything with.
Those friends are the best. Those friends are the ones who add a little extra fun to life.
The tricky part is, no matter how many awkward phases you both survived, no matter how many hilarious prom memories, or how many days you spent doing absolutely nothing together, people drift. They go to college, sometimes even the same as you, and meet all these new friends. These friends who barely know them, who don't know why they are the way they are, who don't know why they wear that silver chain, seem to take over while you take a backseat.
You try not to act like a little jealous 12 year old, but ya just can't help but to be a little mad.
Don't be. They're at a new stage in life, and so are you. They're experiencing new things with new people, as they should.
I learned that sometimes you outgrow people, and that is 100% okay. It doesn't mean that you completely disregard them, or forget about them. It just means that sometimes, whether we like it or not, things change. They are growing into a new person, and you should be happy for them. Encourage their new relationships, cheer them on in this new phase of life. I tried to keep the friendship alive completely on my own and it was exhausting. Let them be so engulfed in their new life, you can't change that.
Wish them well, be there if they call, and let them know they're loved every chance you get. But don't get so caught up in this that you forget to experience your own college fun. Make new friendships, try new things, join a campus organization, do something that scares you. Just live life and rest assured that whoever is supposed to be in your life, will be there if they truly want to be.