I graduated High School in 2014 with a class of a little less than 144 students. I've been out of High School for almost three years now, and I've learned something I wish I could have already learned.
1. Don't blink
I wrote this article after a Football game on a Friday night. This wasn't just any Football game either, this was a rivalry game, known as the "Border Brawl". As I sat in the stands, all I could do was reminisce. Reminisce about dancing the half time show at every game. Reminisce about having a pep rally every time we had faced the Indians at the Border Brawl. When I hear the sound of the snare drums from the band, it takes me back to dancing in the stands with the rest of the dancers on Danceline. I look out on the field, and I see the field that I played Soccer on, the field that I walked across to receive my diploma.Then, it hits me. Everything is changing. I realize that I will never experience anything like that ever again, because I've graduated now and this is no longer my place. When you're in High School, you hear people say how much they miss it, and how they would give anything to go back. At First, you laugh because why would you want to go back? But, then you actually leave and you become the person that would give anything to go back, even if it were for a week.
2. You don't have to go to college right away
3. The opinions of others SERIOUSLY do not matter
What other people think of you is none of your business. Let them think what they want, because in the end, you're the one living your life and dealing with the choices you make. Not them.
4. Always keep an open mind
Keep an open mind to everything. Shows. People. Music. Food. Everything. If you ignore the things you haven't experienced, then you're just hurting yourself because you're not really experience anything, just a constant cycle of things you're comfortable with.
5. The girl who talks crap about others to you is not your friend
If they will talk crap with you, they will talk crap about you.
6. You find out who your friends are
If I had a dollar for every time I saw someone I graduated with, and they ignored me, I'd be a rich woman. You realize you were only friends with certain people because you were forced to see them five days a week. There was never any substance to the friendship, just common classes and maybe the same lunch period. Some of your "Best Friends Forever" turned into your "What friends forever?". Now, the only thing you have in common are a couple of mutual likes and mutual friends on Facebook.
7. Who you were and what you did in High School really doesn't matter in the real world
This clichéd statement will always stand to be true.
You learn a lot after you graduate High School. I wish I could have known what I know now, because I promise you I would have been a lot happier. Although, there are still some things that I still haven't quite learned yet.
Anyone know how to do taxes?