If you are in college, chances are you have to attend Zoom University for the rest of the Spring semester and possibly into the Summer semesters. I have had four classes on Zoom, and so far, I absolutely despise it. I am an athletic training major, and that requires a good bit of hands-on work. I cannot do hands-on work through a webcam. However, I have learned some things after attending Zoom University for four days.
1. I cannot pay attention while I am laying in bed.
Now I know why we actually have to go to school.
2. I cannot pay attention when the teacher's webcam is not on.
I just feel like someone is talking to me out of nowhere.
3. I am less likely to pay attention if my webcam isn't on.
See number 1.
4. I cannot pay attention if my webcam isn't on.
5. I miss seeing my teachers.
And laughing at their stupid jokes.