What I Learned From My Freshman Year Of College | The Odyssey Online
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What I Learned From My Freshman Year Of College

"I don't hate it. I just don't like it at all and it's terrible." - Michael Scott

What I Learned From My Freshman Year Of College
Lizzie Mae Borek

I didn't know what to expect or if I should've expected anything at all. For it is a single story written a million times in a million different ways. College experiences aren't something you can really compare because everyone experiences it differently. We live through our own eyes, our own perspectives. We forget what it's like for others.

For me, It wasn't all that remarkable. No, I didn't go to parties. I didn't go to all the school events they constantly had going on either. I kept to myself. But now that the school year is ending, I can definitely say I've learned a lot from just looking back at it.

I learned that a lot of guys still don't mature. Some of them become even more immature and reckless. But no worries, there are still some good ones, you just have to find them.

I learned you can tell who was "popular" back in high school by the way they act.

I learned that cliques still exist, maybe not as prominently but they're still there.

I learned that some people fall into their friend groups almost immediately, while others kind of float around searching. And it's okay if it's the end of your first year and you don't have a set group.

I learned that as a freshman, you're going to make mistakes - a whole bunch of them really. Whether it is getting in with the wrong type of people or screwing up your studies badly, don't fear it. Embrace it and learn from it.

I learned that people you were close with in high school will fade away from you even if you don't want them to. They just become familiar faces you see on social media of people you used to know. Some people are meant to stay and others are meant to go.

I learned that student-run teams and activities are better in many ways than faculty run teams and activities. They're more understanding. Who knows what the students need better than the students themselves?

I learned that having down time is 1000x better than having a bunch of classes back to back. Breaks and naps are important. They are essential to surviving.

I learned how to introduce myself 500 times. Hi, my name is Amber. I'm a freshman and majoring in nursing. Yep, get used to it. Oh and make sure to be prepared for the follow-up questions as well. Yes, I dorm here. Yeah, I live half an hour away and I'm taking four classes.

I learned how annoying new college freshmen snapchats become. We get it, you go to parties. That's a lovely red solo cup. No, I had absolutely no idea that alcohol existed in college. Please show me more... or you could turn your phone off and just enjoy yourself - just a suggestion.

I learned how many connections you will have with others. One student will know your cousin and another will be friends with that girl you used to talk to in your old gym class. Everyone knows someone that knows you. It's kind of funny. I guess it is a small world.

I learned that some people change A LOT from college while others don't change at all. Sometimes it's a good thing, other times not so much.

I learned that a lot of times in college you get the "I need to get my crap together" feeling. Half of it is panic and the other half is, "why me?"

I learned that a lot of us don't know what we're doing. We're suppose to be adults but none of us actually have it all figured out.

I learned that getting to go home is a blessing. Plopping down in your own bed or just seeing a familiar face is so comforting.

I learned that I have to remember to call them professors and not teachers. There's going to be some that you hate and maybe even some that you think hate you.

I learned what a blessing it is to shower in your own house and eat a home cooked meal.

I learned that the school year consists of at least two or three mental breakdowns if not more.

I learned that college is a true test of how well you can manage your time. You're always going to be thinking about what you need to get done and what's coming up.

I learned that every single person in college is struggling to a certain degree whether it looks like it or not.

I learned that eating breakfast does you more good than you realize. It really is the most important meal of the day. It is the very start of your day after all. Give yourself energy and make your body glad it got out of bed this morning. It makes a huge difference.

Finally, I learned that everything takes time and that applies to almost anything. Maybe you need a better way to study for a course or haven't found the right people to hang out with. Sometimes you want to beat yourself up for not getting something right or wishing you hadn't done something else. Regrets and expectations will eat at your mind if you let them. I'm still adapting and that's okay because everything takes time.

College can seem like a crazy rollercoaster ride. There are so many unexpected twists and turns. I still feel like I'm trying to figure it out. I've grown a great deal since high school and I can tell others around me have too. It's a learning experience and everyone learns in their own way. College is a single story written a million times in a million different ways, and mine's not over yet.

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