August is coming to an end, and we can almost hear the joyful sound of freshmen on campus thinking they can study the morning before an exam. I'm sure we can all look back fondly on our freshman year and remember how happy and naive we used to be. I know that I've grown a lot since a year ago when I started school, and hope that I can pass on some knowledge to incoming freshman. Prepare yourselves Class Of 2019:
1. If you run out of paper towels, don't use your bath towels to clean the mirrors. Clorox bleaches, and blue towels can turn white very quickly.
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2. The walk from your dorm to the gym doesn't seem that far, right? It is. It's far. It's a lot further than you thought. You were wrong.
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3. You'll find yourself setting alarms for 12-minute naps. Cherish those moments.
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4. The stench of burnt popcorn lingers a lot longer than you think, so cook wisely.
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5. Febreeze can be used when you haven't done laundry, but don't let it be a common thing.
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6. Do your laundry, and do it often.
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7. Some nights you'll stay up studying until the sun rises; some nights you'll stay up watching Netflix.
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8. There's always free food if you're willing to look for it.
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9.The library is a super great place to study, but if you talk in the quiet zone, you will be hurt by angry students.
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10. 8AM and 5:30PM classes – don't do it.
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11. Dry shampoo works miracles.
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12. Don't do your hair or makeup everyday – no one really cares that much.
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13. Even if no one saw you wear it, yes, it is dirty. Please wash it.
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14. You might make fun of others for having them, but rain boots are super useful.
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15. Take finals seriously, and don't bother anyone else during mdterms and finals week.
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16. It's acceptable to make a WalMart trip at 1AM to go grocery shopping.
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17. Freshman 15 IS a real thing: beware.
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18. If there's a Starbucks on campus, the line will always be long. Invest in a Keurig.
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19. If it doesn't say microwave safe, don't put it in the microwave.
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20. Choose your friends wisely (a.k.a. make sure at least one friend has a car).
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21. Go to the game nights your RA has. Sometimes they suck, but it's the best way to meet people.
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22. It's not high school – don't take everything so seriously. Except grades. Take your grades very seriously.
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23. There’s always that one friend that will be cornered into being the DD. Don’t take advantage of them too much; there’s Uber for a reason.
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24. Kids' meals at fast-food restaurants are just as filling and a lot cheaper (you don't REALLY need the large fries).
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25. If you have a car, get a parking sticker. It's not worth getting a ticket or towed.
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26. Get a map your first day of class – you might look dumb, but at least you won’t be lost and late for class.
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27. Cherish your freshman year, because it’ll go by too fast.
You'll make a lot of firsts your freshman year. First exam, first roommate, first bid day, first Halloween, first formal. They definitely won't be the last though.
My First Bid Day
My Formal
My First Housemates
My Big
My Ride Or Die
My First Fraternity Formal
My Second Fraternity Formal
My Squad
My First Dog (not really; she's my roommate's)
My Brothers
My Sisterhood