Yep, that is correct. It is as easy as the ABCs when you take rules by the simplest form. In elementary school, very little is complicated. You are told not to pout. Not to throw fits when you don't get your way. You are told again and again, not to take things that aren't yours. You are also told to share with everyone and to never give up. When speaking to a 6 year old, they might take a different meaning away the those rules aforementioned. So would a 90 year old. A 50 year old. A 20 year old.
As we grow up, we are told the same things over and over again. Soon, we tell our peers, our co workers and even our own kids the same rules that we live by everyday of our lives. Sometimes, we follow them. Sometimes we don't. But why. When we have been told not to steal or cheat or lie for our whole life. Those rules, some call morals, are engraved in our brain. But still, we are able to find away around always following the rules.
Maybe someone around us persuaded us to break the rules. We knew it was wrong. We knew it was exactly what we should not be doing, but we did it anyway. Or it was all us. We thought it might be better to lie than tell the truth.
In Elementary school, we didn't just learn what not to do. We also learned what to do. How to act. How to be a kind person and a motivated one. We learned how to not give up and to fight for what we want. Maybe not actually fight, but you get my point. We learned to help others when we can. And of course the golden rule, to treat others how you want to be treated.
These rules, I believe are more important than the ones I started my article with for many reasons. They teach you compassion and how to take care of people. They teach you not to hurt others feelings. They teach you how to really be a better person, instead of telling you what to do or not to do.
Many people are crazy in this world. There are shootings daily. There are bullies and hate crimes. There are bomb threats. There are mean girls, yes like the movie. And there are people that don't take the time to look around and help those who are falling behind. There are people that are rude and maybe they had a bad day but that does not give someone the right to make everyone else's day worse.
So, as I learned in Elementary school, also in the Frozen movie, it is okay to Let It Go. Take a deep breath. Don't carry around the weight of the world because you might get a little crabby and overwhelmed. Don't worry about everything bad that is happening and focus on the positives. Yes people are crazy, but people also went to elementary school. They too learned the golden rule and sometimes we all just need a reminder.