Boys. That's a topic that we all like to talk about. They're also the topic of most of our problems and our tears. It isn't until you find someone that changes your life and you find yourself talking more about the happiness he gives you than the tears. I met a boy from Georgia who showed me that boys will be boys, but boys can also be gentlemen and here's what I learned by dating someone from the South.
1. You will never have to touch a door.
Boys should open 100% of doors for you. And a true southern gentleman will. Even when you tell them they don't need to anymore. It's in their DNA, they can't not do it.
2. "Yes ma’am" is a must.
Southern manners are the best manners that you will ever experience. They have the manners to impress anyone within 0.2 seconds of meeting them. Especially your father (bonus points). A southern boy will out-charm anyone.
4. They can fix literally everything.
5. They can cook.
And everything they make will be amazing! Have you ever had Southern homemade mac and cheese? Seriously, you're missing out.
6. Family is very important to them.
Family is number one. They will always be there for you, no matter what. Even if that means flying across the country for a football game or supporting you from miles away, you can always count on them to be there.
7. He loves his mom.
He's not afraid to show the world just how much he adores and respects her. If you rank somewhere close to his mother on his list of favorite people, then you’re doing something right.
8. Football is a religion.
Football is a way of life in the South and if you’re not a fan already, then you better become one quickly. Also, there are a lot of key rules that you should become familiar with, like the difference between offense and defense. And you better be paying attention to when he is on the field, because that's really all that matters anyway.
9. Camo is a color.
And can be put on basically anything that you want. You better start incorporating some of it into your wardrobe now so that you can fit in!
10. They are always down for an adventure.
You will never be bored and you will always be laughing. And you will probably be doing things that you never saw yourself doing, like getting up before the sun to go fishing. They make everything that you do an adventure, no matter how small.
11. The dates don't end even after years in a relationship.
Dinner and movie nights will never come to and end. They are always trying to find a way to surprise you and make you feel loved and appreciated. They will try and win you over with their charm and by calling you "darlin'." Trust me, it works.
When you do find a Southern gentleman, make sure that you thank his mother for raising him right and for showing you that there are guys out there who will meet your high expectations.