A lot of you may be familiar with this popular FOX TV show, "Bob's Burgers." For those who aren't, a family of five owns a burger restaurant and they're desperate to keep their heads above water while having crazy adventures. Well, each person in this show has a very distinct personality, and we can all learn something from each one.
First of all, there's Bob. He's the burger-flipping family patriarch, and while he seems to be sinking in stress most of the time, he teaches us how to remain steadfast in our endeavors. Even if we feel like all hope is being lost, we can always find a glimmer of light bobbing (heh) in the distance, giving us the courage to continue forward.
Linda, the mother, is a feisty gal full of passion and loyalty. The singing and dancing bride of Bob's can pack a wallop when she needs to. She shows us that it's OK to be passionate about our hobbies and pleasures, even if we aren't the best at them. Any time we find something we deeply and thoroughly enjoy, we should be proud of the fact that we've found our own passion project.
Tina is the eldest child of Bob and Linda, and she is a walking bucket of awkward. She's known mostly for her distinct groan and her unrelenting obsession with boys. While she can't seem to stay out of trouble for long, she does give us an example of how to get out of sticky situations. Whenever someone sticks their foot in their mouth, they can follow her example by breaking the mold and accepting their mistake before executing a plan to escape the awkwardness that ensues.
Gene is the middle child, and he's a Cassio-playing, fart-noise-loving 11-year-old. He shows us that our inner uniqueness doesn't have to follow the status quo, and that it's better to be crazy and weird than to be boring and unoriginal. Gene doesn't hold himself to society's standards and allows himself to have fun - why should we need to feel forced into the mold?
Lastly is Louise, the conniving kid with plans to take over the world. She has a rebel streak a mile wide, and while she thinks she knows what she's doing, she never quite gets it right. What she taught me is that it's OK to make mistakes, and that everyone has a mischievous side - mine tends to come out a lot in conversations that take a weird turn.
Whether you like the show or think it's completely stupid, there are definitely life lessons embedded in the storyline amidst the jokes. I'm happy to say I adore this show and I've learned so much from a humble burger man and his wild family!