Gig em!
1. Fish camp is not mandatory.
Fish camp is regarded as an Aggie's first tradition. I was not able to attend Fish Camp before my freshman year and thought that that would be the cardinal sin and I was doomed as an Aggie. At the first midnight yell I was confused and slightly terrified (can one be slightly terrified?). I knew nothing, I was already behind. By the end of my freshman year, I did not regret not making it to Fish Camp because I learned over time and that feeling of being left out and behind had dissipated within the first couple weeks.
2. Being an Aggie means a lot more than you think~
It's a lifestyle. Don't get caught slippin'.
3. Aggies take care of Aggies.
I've experienced so much kindness from strangers all over campus. Random people going out of their way to help me when I didn't think anyone had noticed my struggle. It became almost normal for someone to do something kind for me just about every day. So I passed it back and so should you.
4. No major is more important than another...
At the end of the day, it's still a degree from THE Texas A&M University that will be hanging on our walls.
5. Sports pass? Yes.
They. Are. Worth. The. Money. Even when Aggie sports disappoint, they don't disappoint. There's nothing more fun than Kyle Field lit up on a Saturday night even if the team loses.
6. It's not hard to make friends!
7. You belong.
The racial demographics of Texas A&M are disappointing. That should never discourage an Aggie. As Aggies, we can go out of our way to not only make all students who already attend feel welcome but encourage prospective students who would otherwise be discouraged because of the lack of diversity to apply. It's our duty. Everyone who steps foot on campus as a student belongs.
See my article on demographics at Texas A&M from the perspective of a Black student here: "Dear Black Students..."
8. You can pass every class with flying maroon and white colors.
9. Your professors want you to succeed
10. There are so many resources.
If you didn't pay attention to all the resources available to you as a student during your NSC, then you are for sure missing out. Check out to see some of the resources available to you.
11. The traditions are beautiful...
A&M has a number of traditions to honor former students and important events.
12… But they don't make the school.
Students come to Texas A&M for a number of reasons-- traditions being one of them. But at the end of the day, TAMU is a school and students can't be shamed for simply being uninterested or less invested or involved in traditions around campus. No matter how you may feel about their lack of participation, that is a decision that they have made and is one that should be respected.
13. Don't be close-minded.
The university experience involves being exposed to people and cultures and opinions that you otherwise may not interact with. No matter how open-minded you think you are, how you react when you're faced with a difference in opinion or are in unfamiliar territory will really tell the tale.
14. Disagreements will come but don't lose your cool!
Like just about any college campus, TAMU is very politically charged. Students can be... opinionated. If you choose to involve yourself in a discussion, remember that it's just that-- a discussion. Don't lose your cool. It's not a debate and even if it turns into one, there is no prize. Both sides can walk away winners, though, if the conversation remains civil, the exchange of thoughts and ideas can leave two people with more knowledge than they walked into the conversation with.
15. Defending your school means calling it out when it behaves badly- whatever that means to you
Don't be afraid to speak out against things you see around campus that you don't like.
16. Get as involved as you can without feeling overwhelmed.
17. You aren't missing out.
As long as you're enjoying yourself, you aren't missing out.
18. Be kind.
19. B/CS loves it's Aggies so treat B/CS like it's your own city ...because it kinda is.
20. As soon as you accept your offer of admission, you are an Aggie.
Don't let anyone shame you or tell you otherwise.
21. (A-A-A-A-A) You'll be an Aggie for the rest of your life!
...but only a few of those years will be on campus. Enjoy campus life and enjoy your amazing school.