I've grown up hearing the saying "the older you get, the wiser you become," and while I didn't used to believe it, I have found some truth to it. I've realized that the older I get (and yes, I know, I'm only 20), the more I take away from everything I experience, which I guess in turn, does make me wiser.
1. Learn from your mistakes.
While this is definitely easier said than done, learning from your mistakes makes a big difference. Watching yourself fail and then dealing with the consequences in return only makes you a stronger person.
2. Don't end relationships on a bad note.
Although I still have some trouble applying this to my own life, I'm realizing it's 100% true (thanks ma). You never know where that person will end up in your life and when you'll need them to help you out, so if all possible end things on happy terms regardless of the type of relationship.
3. Stop with the "what if's."
I've spent way too much of my time worrying about "what if this happened?" or "what if she does this?" and in all reality, it's not worth it. It'll either happen or it won't -- sitting there making "what if" situations is nothing but a waste of time.
4. Eat the freaking chocolate, and ice cream and cheeseburger.
I'm all for (attempting) a healthy lifestyle, but when it comes down to it, food is meant to taste good. Don't count every calorie and just indulge every once in a while. No one likes a #hangry b*tch!
5. Appreciate your family.
They're the ones that will always be there for you, no matter how stupid of a decision you make so make sure they can feel the love.
6. Step outside of your comfort box.
This is far from my favorite thing to do but when it comes down to it, you've got to take risks in life because more times than not, the outcome is positive.
7. Be silly.
You have your whole life to live in a serious manner, but while you can, act silly and carefree.
8. Go with the flow.
While I have to give full credit to my dad for teaching me this one, I'm so glad he did. Live in the moment and if things don't go exactly as planned, take a deep breath and realize it'll be okay.
9. A few great friends is much better than many good friends.
As long as you have a few key people by your side, that's all you need. Quality over quantity in this case.
10. You're not going to please everyone.
And that is more than okay. Your purpose on earth isn't to make everyone happy, so just live for yourself and do what you want, not what you think other people would want out of you.
11. Count your blessings.
Life gets tough and at times you may feel like giving up, but think about all you have to be thankful for and realize that you'll get through it. While it may seem impossible at the time, I can promise you, from experience, it's not.
12. Don't sweat the small stuff.
If you haven't known by now, surprise, life is not perfect. With that being said, pick what's worth stressing over, and what's not. Think to yourself, will this matter in an hour, a day, a month? Chances are if it won't matter in an hour then there's nothing to worry about.