In a week (May 16, if you were wondering), I will be turning 19 years old. These 19 years have been full of success, failure, love, laughter, heartbreak and so many other things. In my 19 years, I have learned a lot of life lessons, big and small, that I find very important. Here are 19 things I have learned by the age of 19.
1. Happiness comes from within.
You should never have your happiness depend on a person, object, event, etc. Happiness should always be drawn from within yourself.
2. Honesty is the best policy.
I honestly see no point in lying and keeping things from people. I've learned that just saying how you feel, what's on your mind and anything in between keeps you from trouble, drama and hurting people. Yeah, sometimes the truth hurts, but it feels better than lying and keeping secrets.
3. Sometimes it's OK to show weakness.
In your weakest points, you discover the most. You realize who is really there for you. You realize what you want in life and who you are. Not everyone can be tough all the time. It's OK to break every once in a while.
4. Kindness gets you farther.
There's no point in being rude. Being kind to others creates a better relationship and helps you gain more respect.
5. Don't let people push you around.
This took me a very long time to learn. Obviously, doing things for your friends and others is OK, but there's a fine line between being a friend and being walked all over. Stand up for yourself and speak your mind when things aren't right.
6. Numbers don't define your character.
Your weight, height, age, GPA, test scores, etc., will never define what kind of person you are and can be.
7. Don't go down without a fight.
If you want something, then fight for it. If you look back in a few years and think, "I wish I would've tried harder," then you didn't fight hard enough. All that matters is if you tried your hardest. What's the worst that could happen?
8. Actions speak louder than words.
This one speaks for itself. Pay attention to how people act. It speaks more than the words that come out of their mouth.
9. Mom is always right.
It's better to learn this now rather than in another 19 years down the road. Your mom knows best for you, so start listening.
10. Don't be afraid to take a step out of your comfort zone.
If I wouldn't have jumped out of my comfort zone, then I would've never joined a sorority, found my passion, made the friends I have and be who I am today. I learned the best experiences come from doing something you're not comfortable with.
11. Cookies heal all pain.
I don't know about you, but cookies make my world go around. I've learned that cookies can always make my day better. Upset because you failed a test? Cookies. Get in a fight with a significant other? Cookies.
12. Find the good in all things.
There's always a good thing in every situation. After coming to terms with that, I found that seeing the good in every situation causes less pain and more happy thoughts.
13. Not every decision is a smart decision and that's OK.
Sometimes, you have to learn the hard way. I'm hardheaded, so making dumb decisions is the only way I'll learn sometimes. It's OK to make bad decisions, as long as they're not constant and destroying who you are.
14. Be the friend that you want to have.
The people you surround yourself with have a big influence on who you are. Obviously, if you're hanging out with the wrong crowd, then you'll get caught up in the wrong types of things. If you be the friend you want in your life to others, then you'll influence a better relationship.
15. Laugh at yourself.
Don't take everything so seriously. Love yourself and laugh at all the random quirks you have.
16. Change is good.
People change. Dreams change. Desires change. Most of the time, change is for the better.
17. Show appreciation for all things.
You never know when something or someone will be taken away. If you appreciate them, then show them.
18. Dance parties are a necessity.
I promise they'll lift your mood. Everyone needs to dance around their room to Justin Bieber every once in a while.
19. Don't let others' opinions influence yours.
Don't let someone's views on a person, politics, subject or anything, influence your opinion. Their opinion is not yours. It's OK to have different views.
In my 19 years, I have learned a lot of life lessons -- some bigger than others. Ultimately, I have learned to be myself and love myself for who I am. Through these 19 lessons, I have learned to live in the present and appreciate everything that comes my way. Life is short; don't live it full of regrets.