Your education is one thing that no one can take away from you. I believe it is of great value, specific to who we are. What we know, how we learn, and our experiences that challenged us, shape who we become. In the lecture hall, in our job field, in our personal challenges, there is always a chance to learn. However, it is easy for us to get in the zone of school being something to simply check off our list everyday. Whether we remember it or not, learning is a privilege. The benefits of learning are sweet when you know you have worked hard for what you have earned. Putting in true effort to accomplish a goal is an experience that cannot be demeaned.
Do it for yourself.
Put in the work and effort to be better because you want to be! As a result, others will benefit from your knowledge and experiences. Therefore use them wisely! What we learn in school, is teaching us how to be professionals post grad. What we learn about others and ourselves outside of the classroom, is teaching us to be personable. For knowledge to be fruitful, wisdom is required. Use what you know, it is specific to you; as it affects how you view things. No one can be you better than you.
I’m encouraging each of us to be intentional with learning, lean into it.