Some of you may be familiar with the concept of Love Languages developed by psychologist Gary Chapman. Love Languages are based off the idea that people have the tendency to love others the way they prefer to be loved. According to Chapman there are five languages we should all learn how to speak if we want the most successful relationships;
1. Acts of service
Learning to speak this love language well requires going out of your way to do nice things or 'favors' for others. For example, say your significant other has a jam-packed schedule for the next few days and mentions they won't be able to pick up their clothes from the dry cleaners until the weekend. When you hear this you go out of your way to pick up the dry cleaning for them and it is a pleasant surprise to come home to.
2. Words of AffirmationÂ
"You look so nice today!" "Wow, I'm so proud you." "There are so many reasons I love you." Those are just a few examples of phrases that would go a LONG way with someone whose love language is words of affirmation. This love language is all about affirming and reassuring your significant other how much you love them and how much they mean to you in detail. Things like love letters, long texts, random sweet nothings throughout the day will mean the world to someone who loves with words.
3. Quality Time
It's debatable this is the easiest love language to speak. Spending time together without distractions, going on dates regularly, making time for just the two of you, etc. Make sure you turn your phones off and disconnect to really make your time spent with the person you love more meaningful.
4. Physical Touch
This love language isn't all about sex, but it sure does help. Physical touch reassures your significant other of your presence. Hand holding, back starches, playing with their hair, cuddling, etc. are all wonderful and simple examples of how to express your affection physically.
5. Receiving Gifts
People who feel loved when they get gifts are not materialistic. This love language has more to do with the meaning behind the gifts they receive. Putting thought into a gift you get them and justifying it make the gift special and sentimental. For example, walking into a store and buying something for your significant other and saying, "I got this because it reminded me of you." Creating picture/memory books is a wonderful way of expressing speaking this love language.
Not sure what your love language is or you want to find out your partners love language? Go to and take the quiz. It is not uncommon to have more than one love language and the quiz will rank your languages according to your answers. Knowing how to speak other's love language will dramatically increase the quality of relationships you establish and you can become more confident in expressing your love for others.
Want to learn even more, go to almost any book store or the love language website and purchase Gary Chapman's book to start becoming a love language expert today.