My first car was an older-than-me stick shift Jeep Grand Cherokee appropriately named Cherry. Cherry didn't have power locks, or power windows, and the CD player quit on my shortly after getting her. Cherry taught me more about driving before I wrecked her than any other car ever will.
1. You'll understand the struggle
If you have ever driven a stick, you know that this is one of the cruelest things anyone can ever do. I learned to drive stick at the beach, so moving anywhere with more than a two degree incline meant learning to drive all over again. Don't be this guy. Driving a stick will teach you to always leave enough space between you and the car in front of you at stop lights.
2. It'll deter thieves
Statistics say that only 7% of Americans can drive a stick shift. Less thieves to try to steal your car. If they can't drive it, it takes a lot more trouble than it's worth to steal it. Who needs a security system?
3. It'll teach you patience
No, you won't pick up driving a stick shift right away. Yes, you will stall it out. Yes, you will panic. But try it again. You'll pick it up eventually.
4. Texting while driving?
Ain't nobody got time for that. Take away that distraction since both hands are busy. Keeps the roads safer and keeps you alive, so really what other reason do you need?
5. You get to keep your car
Oh yes, horrible driver I call a best friend. You can totally borrow my car. Do you know how to drive a stick shift? No? Oh, darn. Looks like I won't be able to loan you my car to wreck, I mean drive.
6. You can drive anything
Friend drive you to the bar only to get too drunk when they were supposed to drive home? It's no big if their car is a stick because you can safely get everyone home.
7. It will leave a lasting impression
It doesn't matter if you go back to driving an automatic, you will always know how to drive a manual. Not to mention, you will always have one hand on the gear shift, even though it's unnecessary.
8. It sounds cool
There's something about knowing that you're in charge of when the car shifts gears. All the power. You really become an extension of your car and know exactly when to shift just based on the feel and sound of your engine.
9. Cheaper to buy
Not as many people in America drive stick shifts, so grab yourself and older but still great car, hop in, and drive that stick shift to the bank.
10. You get a good laugh
The most unrealistic part of the "Fast and the Furious" Saga? Watching them actually drive. You really think that those cars have like 12 gears? Because Vin Diesel seems to think so.
11. Cheaper to drive
They're better on gas, so that means less filling up your gas tank and more filling up your wallet. That is a fantastic reason in-and-of itself.
12. It's fun
Honestly, driving a stick shift is just fun. You'll thank yourself when you're driving down the road having a blast and looking cool... until you hit traffic that is.