A bookshelf in a library consists of about a hundred books. Compacted close together next to its neighbor, awaiting its turn to be cleansed from its dust and stretched from its binding. A library consists of countless shelves filled with about a hundred books, totalling... who knows... but that's a lot of words. A book could have 90 pages or a book could have 900 pages. That's a whole lot of knowledge.
Books are not much bigger than your foot, yet they have walked more miles than your shoes. They have been to the tip of space and to the middle of the earth, yet they don't leave your fingertips. The universe of a book is tied together through meticulous words which unravel through our eyes and into the parts of our brains that don't need to be retained. The book you hold closest to your heart has been read by a myriad of others, yet it still seems all yours. Just you and the book and its force that can never leave you. It's engraved to your skull and it feels like home. A book has no boundaries and in between the binding holds more than just pages. It holds heartache, happiness, death. You can live a life without ever having to look up. Books teach you existence you'll never have to pain through. They are a whole other place that only you can see. Your mind has the ability to create images through words, and every mind envisions the same book differently. It's a place only available to you. Once you reach the back cover, your journey has just begun. Whether the book was a page turner or you had to force yourself chapter to chapter, your experience will not leave you dry. You're a few hundred pages more aware.
Books are a reality saver and a reality ruiner, but we need a bit of both to keep ourselves smooth sailing. Books have the ability to make you cry, laugh, and even scream. They are the cure to the unanswered and the reason to the unanswered. The amount of books available have been taken for granted. If you're not a reader, try it out. There are countless books on each topic, and there's a book for everyone. They'll help you feel a bit more lighter when you're heavy and they are not a waste of time. You can go through a whole lifetime in one sitting. That's a key to awareness and insight creates a plentiful mind and a fulfilling life.
Books are so extraordinary because they uncover what the mind is capable of.