Kanye West is one of those celebrities who always has something to say. Never forget the 2009 VMA's when he famously interrupted Taylor Swift. Lately, the media has been abuzz with more West vs. Swift drama following the release of a recorded phone call between the pair. According to West, the phone call proves that Taylor approved lyrics about her in his song "Famous," though she says otherwise. When he got on stage to begin his monologue Sunday night at the VMA's, everyone wondering just what Kanye might say. While he professed many different thoughts, here are five big things to take away from Kanye's speech.
1. Be proud of who you are.
Kanye is unapologetically proud of who he is. He began his speech by saying, " I am Kanye West, and that feels especially great to say this year." We could all use this type of confidence.
2. Support your friends.
While Kanye was ~obvi~ a contestant for the award show, he doesn't shy away from recognizing that it wouldn't be so bad to be defeated by Queen b.3. Find a BAE who gets you.
Kim Kardashian-West was all smiles throughout Kanye's entire speech, even when Kanye decided to call out to his ex, Amber Rose. On his wife's loyalty, Kanye said, "my wife's a G." #Goals.4. Have insurance on your actions.
Of course, Kanye made reference to the whole T. Swift drama. He appears to attempt to smooth out any issue between himself and the country singer, in saying "I love all y'all. That's why I called her."
5. The most important thing is to have fun.
"Bro. Bro! Tonight, we here to have fun." Heard that Kanye, heard that.