Keep one notebook that holds all of your important information.
This booklet will hold information that you've completed, still have to complete and any other events on your calendar. This will help you to have one place to check for updates and assignments rather than being scatterbrained. This will help you refuse the urge of stressing about unknown information or consequences due to discrepancies in your agenda. Physically check off the tasks that you complete with whatever works for you, whether it is a line through the completed task or a check mark, do whatever works for you!
Nerve Cleansing Breath (Nadi Shodanah)
You might feel silly the first time you try this, but the reward is worth it, Always start on your left nostril, while keeping the right side closed with your thumb. inhale all the air you can steadily, then hold. Use your pointer finger to close your left nostril, hold for three seconds and exhale through your right side. Repeat this on both sides until your thoughts begin to settle. Feel free to practice as much as needed.
This Nerve Cleansing Breath works to relax the entire nervous system and allows the brain to focus solely on the breath. This is helpful to cope with anxiety because anxiety often stems from doubt or worry, which are obsessive thoughts. When the mind is relaxed and stops overworking, it is able to think more rationally and be present, ultimately making the body and mind less anxious and worry-free.
Exercising is a great way to get rid of any unwanted energy or tension that could result in anxious thoughts or feelings. Being unable to relax and sit still can make us feel uneasy. Use up your remaining energy, even if you have to work out late at night so you can relax without the need to move around constantly.
Set reminders on your phone
Even with planners, it is inevitable at times to still forget tasks, especially when you have so many. Technology will be your best friend when it comes to reminding yourself of daily tasks. Don’t be shy about asking Siri to remind you to study for your test tomorrow at noon. Having this help at an exact time will help you keep your days as productive as you intended them to be and it will be less you need to stress about before you go to bed.
Don’t procrastinate
If you're going to have to do it eventually, try not to wait until the last minute. Don’t make yourself suffer and think about all you have to do the following day, try to get things that need a lot of attention and time done in increments so you can worry less at night and sleep sounder.
Don’t feel the need to accomplish everything in one day
Take your time, and slow down. If you are working your hardest and paying close attention to deadlines, you will get everything done. Don’t feel the pressure to get everything done in one sitting. If you need to take a break and get back to the task at hand the next day, do it. Adding unnecessary stress to your body and brain is not going to help your anxiety or your body rest for the night.
Express yourself
Holding in emotions and not fully expressing your thoughts can lead to an anxious mind. Talk to someone about your day, tell them about the funny things that happened, the things that made you sad, the things that made you happy and anything else you want to express. Talking about what is in your head helps to let the mind know that it is okay to let these thoughts go because they are acknowledged and dealt with.