Learn For The Sake Of Learning | The Odyssey Online
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Learn For The Sake Of Learning

Because being passionate about what you are learning will help you excel!

Learn For The Sake Of Learning

The other day, when my little sister made a joke about her desire to drop out of high school and travel with Habitat for Humanity, I couldn't help but laugh. Having been raised in a community that prioritizes an academic education, we both knew that this simply wasn't an option and that though it was a noble idea, in theory, it would not fly in real life.

Though I initially brushed off her comments as the typical complaints of a high school sophomore, as I lay in bed that night I found myself replaying her words in my mind. Grades in high school and college are seen as markers of success in our society. We are conditioned to believe in the power of grades to determine how successful we will be in the future.

Striving for a certain grade teaches us a lot about discipline, hard work, and perseverance. However, when we spend so much time and energy chasing after the grade that we forget to enjoy the process of learning and to think about how the knowledge we are gaining will impact our future, it is inevitable to feel burned out.

After going through the dreaded college process during my senior year of high school, I was truly excited to have the opportunity to study what I was genuinely interested in without as much pressure to live up to a certain academic standard. In many ways, I expected college to be less of a metaphorical pressure cooker.

I expected to enjoy my classes more and to have the opportunity to learn for the sake of learning. However, this was not exactly the case. I still felt the intense pressure to perform at a certain level and most people I know are still consumed by the same desire as they had in high school to earn a certain grade as opposed to truly enjoying the process of learning the material.

That is not to say that grades are not important to me or that we, as students, should not strive for our academic best. I do believe that the process of obtaining a certain grade teaches us some fundamental skills and helps students to cultivate a strong work ethic and a mentality of focus and discipline.

However, the constant pressure that society puts on students to perform well often seems to undermine the notion that cultivating a passion for learning is equally important.

When you view your academic education as a breeding ground for your passions and interests the word begins to take on a new meaning. For those struggling to find meaning and purpose in the material they are studying in class, it is important to take a step back. Instead of cramming for a test and aimlessly poring through information, stay engaged during class.

Question your professor and have discussions with other students about their opinions on the certain subject matter. When you find genuine joy in the process of learning, you will naturally excel in your classes. I encourage you to reframe your mindset and think about how the information can eventually translate into real-world experiences.

Hopefully, in doing so, we can help change a culture and bring about positive change.

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