I have always been the type of person who just typically has more guy friends than girl friends,I think that comes with having more men in my life growing up rather than women (shoutout dad, you rock). It can be a real eye opener to be able to get a perspective from a mans point of view just because, in my opinion, men think more bluntly than women do. I tend to plan out every step of the conversation, or often try and make things go a certain way rather than just letting it all happen naturally. Basically over thinking is one of my strong suits, and men usually are so good with "going with the flow". I have also had the privilege of having some really good gal pals! there are just some things you need your girls for, and I've learned that a woman's opinion is always thought through, and meticulous. Let me just tell you how important it is to have women in your life that you can trust, confide in, and look up too.
We all go through a stage in our lives where it can be tough to know who your real friends are. Who is looking out for you, and who really has your best interest at heart. I have always been told that one day I'll be able to count those people on just one hand. I have come to learn that there is so much truth in that. It's not that you aren't capable of making friends and having new friends come into your life, because having tons of friends and acquaintances is great! I am a firm believer that you are supposed to have more than one best friend, I know I do. It' s the principal of those best friends staying in your life, and becoming people you look up too, people you respect, and people who's opinions you value the most that really makes a difference. This concept was so hard for me at one point in my life. I wanted so badly to be accepted by everyone, and to be everyone's best friend that I couldn't really focus on the people who really were my best friends, like I hope that I do now.
With graduating high school and starting college you want to think that even though you are going separate ways you'll still be bffs with your entire graduating class. I was there too, I wanted that too. Sadly, that is not actually the case. You'll be thankful for that in the long run though. I am a Sophomore in college and have already come to learn that you find your people during this transition time. The ones who stick out, the ones you miss the most, and the ones you make an effort to see and vise versa, are the ones who really matter. I have such a great group of women in my life that just really see the world in the same perspective that I do. Look for that in your group of friends, because it's so important to be able to know, really know, the people your surround yourself with are bettering you.
Having a solid foundation in your group of friends is also very important. I know that my lady friends are always going to tell me what I need to hear, rather than what I want to hear. Honesty and trust is something that really goes a long way, and you'll be able to see that in the people who really go out of their way to make sure you're taken care of. That is something women are really good at. The small things, that in the end have a bigger impact on you than the grand gestures would have. The girls in my life really know what little things I like and don't like and they really have an eye for that. It means so much that someone pays that much attention to your life, just because they want to and love you that much.
They are also really big on comfort. Men aren't sensitive, and if you find some that are let me know. They can try and that goes a long way, but the women really have that part down to a science. It is in our blood after all. It says a lot about the women you have in your life if they are able to really put you at ease and comfort you when you really need it. A shoulder to cry on and a helping hand speaks volumes when going through a struggle in your life. It's a great feeling being able to have women in your life that feel like family, because they know you so well. They know how to treat any wound you have no matter who made it, with an unbiased opinion, and it really is comforting to know someone who has looked at all perspectives of the situation with an open mind.
I am so fortunate to be able to have women in my life like this. Take the time today to let those people in your life know how much they mean to you, and never let it go unnoticed how much they care for you!