This is such an important question that I think everyone should ask themselves and see what they come up with. This question isn’t about, ”What do I need to know for class, the test coming up or for my job?” The sole purpose of this question is to see what you want to gain knowledge and learn because you want to. It is about what makes you curious and to absorb knowledge for the sole purpose of just wanting to know. This, I believe, is a question that can give you the answer to what you are passionate about.
You always hear people saying, “Why would you learn French; Spanish is much more useful in today’s world?” Or, “You should be a business major because you will have so many opportunities.” And while these statements might be true, they are not relevant when it comes to what you want to learn.
Why would you want to spend your life learning something that you didn’t actually enjoy, or want to learn about? If you are trying to satisfy all of these qualifications of other people and society’s rules you could easily forget what you actually want to do or learn about. Asking yourself what you want to learn isn’t about what skill is going to make you the most money or be the most useful. It’s about you and learning for the sole purpose that you want to.
“The whole point of being alive is to evolve into the complete person you were intended to be.” Oprah Winfrey.
Don’t get me wrong, though; this isn’t an easy answer. It’s not as if you could just Google it and the answer magically appears. But, the true answer to what you want to learn is one of the most important of your life because it reveals what you are passionate about. If you are able to figure out what you actually want to learn about, you will be engaged and investing your life into a topic that you are actually interested in.
People get so caught up in other life things such as money, power, people’s perceptions that they forget to consider the most important question. Well, what is it I actually want to do?