The importance of a good leader to a nation is as important as a fish to water. The importance of an effective government is synonymous with a democratic government. When the very ideals of democracy are eroded and leaders turn to fear mongering a violence instead of charisma and compassion, a nation ceases to be a community and instead becomes a prison. Democracy is silenced and power is consolidated to the few.
With the 2016 presidential election quickly approaching, it is easy to see parallels between Trump and the likes of recently elected president of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte. Concerns of security are met with actions of violence and death. According to Philippine National Police Chief Ronald Dela Rosa, there have already been almost 2000 Filipinos killed in his "war on drugs." Under his presidency the concepts of due diligence and fair trials are easily forgotten, as police are not the only murderers. President Duterte has called for citizens to carry out justice themselves, creating an opportunity for lawlessness and senseless violence.
In only seven weeks of his inauguration, Duerte has already made countless comments that have put him in international spotless. He has called for the complete destruction of terrorist groups in the country, while simultaneously calling the United Nations useless, threatening to leave the institution. These inflammatory comments, similar to Trumps', have given him the same media attention and admiration from his supporters.
Many claim that he is what the country needs; an outsider in a government full of corruption and inefficiency, or that his violent and cruel methods are the only way to solve the Philippine's problems, be it drugs or terrorism.
The delusion that senseless violence is the only answer to a deeply-rooted societal and cultural program is not only dangerous, but creates a status quo that sends the message of "violence is always the answer." The killing of "suspected" drug dealers is a slippery slope in itself. Duerte's policies and comments make him just as violence and cruel as those he is calling to be killed.