So You Think You're A Leader? | The Odyssey Online
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So You Think You're A Leader?

As seen through employee-eyes.

So You Think You're A Leader?
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To the men with the deep, earth-breaking voices, and the women with hair tightly pinned back, you are not the leaders you think you are.

I pull into the parking lot. My unofficially-reserved spot is empty, waiting for my giant, hand-me-down van.

Before I can walk through the door of my daily consumption, I can practically taste the tension. Girls with tears in their eyes and boys, faces red with anger, shuffle about in a daze, stuck in a world of frustration.

I slip into the routine, greeted with a few apathetic nods, wary smiles and inquisitive eyes, preparing me for yet another long, brutal day.

He waltzes from the back room, an uncrowned king, thriving in the chaos around him, pretentious and oblivious.

His lips, perfectly capable of pure communication, part and in a mad fury harsh, unkind words overflow and sting our ears. Dictated orders, unmanageable and vague, swirl around us pressing us painfully, moving the feet below us.

His disciples follow his footsteps, noses in the air, heads turned from the mess, exuding fear. Intimidated by expulsion, they rush to agree and nod with each jarring word.

To think they call themselves naive. Unlike the cruel dictatorship and misuse of power they run by, leadership is kind.

Yes, everyone has bad days. Billions of tragedies are hidden daily spanning all around the world, corner to corner. Fortunately, the Earth still turns. Despite their emotions, leaders persevere to maintain a good attitude. They push others and challenge them to do the same. Leaders don't radiate anger. Leaders stay bright and hopeful because they know in order for their students to shine in excellence, there shouldn't be someone constantly towering behind them, crudely pointing out each flaw, without caring enough to help find a solution.

Unless you wear a diaper and suck on a pacifier, there is absolutely no acceptable reason for anyone, leaders in particular, to stomp around and throw tantrums when something doesn't go their way, or a plan goes moderately askew. Leadership is composed and flexible. Plans change and life is incredibly unpredictable. A true leader will see with their best eyes and manage each situation with careful judgement, respecting everyone involved.

A leader is nothing short of dedicated. They are more than capable of pouring their heart and everything they are into teaching those willing to learn. When questions arise, they don't shrug them off, pretend not to hear them, or feign a quick, witty response. Communication is the world's strongest foundation, nothing can grow when built on lies. Leadership is honest, telling the harsh, occasionally brutal truth, and not being afraid to probe the unknown. Leaders will run the extra mile and research answers in those scenarios -- they thrive on knowledge.

Confidence. A leader is visibly confident, not only in themselves, but in everyone around them, and the work they pursue. A leader will have the confidence to admit when they're wrong, without excuse, and help people learn from their mistakes.

Even though I'm five feet tall and, by default, have to look up to practically everyone, I don't aspire to be one person in this building.

I aspire to be a leader; one who doesn't rely solely on the title.

A leader is someone who makes people not only internally reflect, but externally, to the world around them. While leaders nourish your talents and help build your weaknesses, they should inspire you, igniting a flame in the bellies of all their students and instilling a passion for leading and genuinely teaching others.

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