We all know them, we all love them--or hate them, but with being part of a pack of friends, there will always be a leader. Sometimes, they may be the oldest of the group and other times, they might not be. They are the ones that hold the group together in times of need, you can always count on them. However, you may not always get along with the leader of your squad or wolf pack. At times, they can be overbearing, bossy, a little too arrogant and a little too "in your face". Although, we all know that we always have to cut our pack alphas some slack every now and again because at the end of the day, they're human too. Yes, they will care for everyone and make sure everyone will make it to a places on time or that you all make sure to travel in a big group when going on nightly outings, etc. Coming from a girl who is the leader of her own pack, it's not always easy trying to find common ground with the entire squad, but it takes great skill having the ability to hear people out and remembering that a democracy within the friend group is way more beneficial than a dictatorship. Being the leader of the pack can take a lot out of you at times, but the most important thing is that you are essentially the glue, the rock, the one that will look out for your people and that skill tends to take many of us leaders far in life.
1. You are the one that has to make plans for every major hangout.
For every birthday party and random gathering, you have to be the one to call up everyone and be sure to make reservations.
2. When some of your friends get into a disagreement, guess who's the middle man? That's right you!
Sometimes, you might have to actually step in the middle to keep a scuffle from happening.
3. Head counts are your forte.
Even if you're like me, standing at a whopping height of 5'3", doing head counts might be easiest thing you will ever do.
4. Everyone goes to you when there's a problem.
Problems with the significant other? Problems at home? Problems at work/school? Bad day? Best believe your phone will be blown up whenever there's a problem.
5. Sometimes you will have to talk your way out of being the designated driver during night outings.
Just because you're the leader doesn't mean you should always have to be the one to be sober.
6. You are the first to get tagged or the first to tag everyone in pictures on social media.
There's no in-between.
7. It is your responsibility to remember birthdays.
Facebook won't be able to help you here. Write down those birthdays.
8. Your main priority while out with your squad is that everyone is having fun.
Even if you're not having fun at times, the fact that your friends are having the best time of their lives is the greatest feeling in the world.
9. You also make sure your squad doesn't do anything stupid.
The last thing you want to happen is for a Hangover goose-chase to find a missing friend.
10. Sometimes you find it difficult to get recognition.
It can be pretty sucky to get recognition without having to be the leader of everything. If you have friends that really care about you though, they will always hear you out on your problems, too.
11. You know you were blessed with the ability to lead the amazing people that have wandered into your life.
And everyone's okay with that.