Normal people think we have it so easy, but they will never understand the constant struggle of trying not to do things.
1. You never want to get out of bed in the morning.
On those days where you can't get up before noon, you have to set alarms every 15 minutes.
2. Precooked meals and fast food are your best friends.
Breakfast? What's that? Ooh, Pop-Tarts, that's what you meant. Wait, I'm supposed to toast it too?
3. Sweatshirt and jeans are your kind of fashion.
Hey, no one's judging. Especially if you got up late and nothing else is clean.
4. Texting your roommate or significant other, even though they are just in the other room.

Need I say more?
5. Digging through the hamper is better than putting your clothes away.
If you've even managed to do your laundry that is. Sniff, decide it smells clean, wear it.
6. Meaning to do things, but never actually getting them done.
For example, I was going to write 10 things, but I was too lazy, so you only got six.