Ah, it's spring break. After taking my midterms, working hard at my internship and going rugby practice five days a week, it's finally my time to shine and do what I do best--lay in my bed and be lazy. As a result, I have compiled a series of gifs to reflect and represent exactly what I'll be doing over spring break (and what you should do too!) We've all deserve our hard-earned rest!
1. When my mom asks me to do chores after being away for so long:
2. This is how I'll be using my computer:
3. And how I'll be snacking:
4. "You've been in bed all day, haven't you?" - Mom
5. When you put no effort into your break homework and get a good grade
6. "Wanna go out this Saturday?"- my friends
7. An overall mood all break:
8. And finally, when it's the last day of break and I realize I did absolutely nothing
And there you have it! I hope everyone enjoys has a wonderful spring break, and remember, this is your time to be lazy! So take it in and enjoy it as much as possible. Before you know it, it'll be SUMMER!