If you weren't the party-goer in high school, you may have taken advantage of your new-found college freedom by joining one of the sororities or frats, branching out by becoming a member of a club or just going out to parties on the weekend. College is all about what you make it. Cliche, I am aware, but it truly is the product of what you bring to it. If you chose the party lifestyle, you know that it becomes easy to pick up a fear of missing out by not going out on the weekends. I found this to true during my sophomore year (and beginning) of my junior year. After creating some of the best memories with my friends on the weekends, I looked forward to going out with them every weekend. It wasn't until my junior year that I began to realize that spending the night in isn't always a bad thing. During tournament season, early Saturday wake ups are the perfect excuse to sit and watch movies on Friday nights.
At first, I thought to stay in and go to bed on a Friday night was the worst thing to ever happen. After all, it was my time to relax and not worry about a thing with my best friends. The thought of not being able to go out with them made me cringe at times. However, after my first early Friday night this semester, I realized that movie nights can be just as exciting as going out. I mean, what can be better than sitting in sweatpants and a sweatshirt eating ice cream and watching some type of romantic movie? Surprisingly, not much. I know I probably sound old and boring, but I love my movie nights before tournament days. Honestly, after a long week, I do not mind the lazy Friday nights and early Saturday mornings. In fact, they have become some of the best nights of my junior year thus far. A little ice cream and a good movie make some of the best company. Also, if you're lucky enough, your roommate will even watch it with you.
So, over the past three years, I have learned that going out on the weekend isn't the only way to end a tough week. Sometimes it's the simple things in life like the lazy Friday nights spent watching movies and eating ice cream. Honestly, I encourage you to try it. You won't regret it.