We live in a day and age where there are many laws. But I have always felt as if some laws still need to be made, and I'm talking about serious laws. Here are just a few of them that need to happen as soon as possible.
1. Lower the national drinking age to 18.
Why? Because let's face the fact. So many teenagers are drinking, whether parents like hearing this or not. It is a basic truth and it shouldn't be looked at as entirely bad. Honestly, at this day and age it's considered normal. Other countries, like Belgium and Australia, made this happen. So, why don't we?
2. Expecting mothers should not be allowed to smoke.
It is a sad reality that some expecting mothers do smoke. They don't have a care in the world and it is absolutely ridiculous. Making it a law that they should not smoke when pregnant is the only right thing to do for not only themselves, but for the baby too.
3. It should be a national law to ban texting while driving.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of idiots out there that text while driving. They just can't get it nailed in their head that this is outrageously dangerous. It doesn't matter if the speed limit is as low as 15 MPH and you're bored as heck on the road, there should never be an excuse for anyone to text while driving. As of now, we currently have about 44 states that ban texting while driving. So why not get the rest of them to join as well?
4. Legalize marijuana nationwide.
Currently, around 23 states have already decriminalized marijuana. Also, it shouldn't be surprising that a lot of people are already doing this. Everyone (OK, maybe not everyone, but close) is doing this. In my opinion, there is just no point of having this banned. Our world has much bigger issues to track down (prostitution, trafficking, criminal cases, etc.). People merely smoking pot should not be on top of the list that's for sure.
5. On a lighter note. It should be legal to bring our puppies to shopping malls with us!
I know, this one is a bit silly compared to the rest. But come on! How amazing would it be for our cute little puppies to be with us when shopping? I think this would just be an amazing idea. Just look at this puppy's face. What monster could say no to that face?
I know, I know. Most of my points are pretty controversial, but it's a free world and I am just voicing my opinion. You may agree with these or disagree. We all think differently. These are just a few laws that I think should be made as soon as possible.