Jaeline Hinkle: I'm Not Sorry Laws Offend Your Beliefs | The Odyssey Online
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Jaeline Hinkle: I'm Not Sorry Laws Offend Your Beliefs

I just don’t understand how your beliefs intertwine with playing competitive soccer.

Jaeline Hinkle: I'm Not Sorry Laws Offend Your Beliefs
New York Post

Jaelene Hinkle, first of all, I would like to applaud you on your call up to the Women’s National soccer team to represent the USA while they play in the friendlies’ this month. This is a great achievement that very few of us soccer players will ever get the chance to claim. However, this article is not about your tremendous performance on the field, it is about your decision to turn down a spot on the USWNT for “personal reasons”.

What are these reasons exactly? Some might speculate that Jaelene Hinkle will not play with the National Team because of the rainbow numbers on the back of the uniform in honor of Pride month. This is due to her vocal social media responses on Twitter and Instagram after the legalization of same-sex marriage in 2015. Her tweet stated, "This world is falling farther and farther away from God... All that can be done by believers is to continue to pray.”

She had a much more in depth post on Instagram, as she wrote, “I believe with every fiber in my body that what was written 2,000 years ago in the Bible is undoubtedly true,” she wrote in the Instagram caption alongside an image of a cross. “It’s not a fictional book. It’s not a pick and choose what you want to believe. You either believe it, or you don’t. This world may change, but Christ and His Word NEVER will…”

Now I’m not bashing you on your commitment to your belief, but this decision is more than that, this is a slap in the face to many of the players you play with and against as well as the League you play for.

For those who may not know, there are many girls that play soccer who are a part of the LGBTQ community, from the club level, to the professional level, even the national level. So, to decide to refuse to play because the uniforms are celebrating a LEGAL lifestyle, that you don’t believe in is absurd. You are playing in the National Women’s Soccer League. A league where if you look into the stands during games you can openly see Pride flags being waved, where there is easily at least one gay female on a team, where every team but one openly supports the LGBTQ community and marriage equality, and might I add you are not on that ONE team that does not openly support gay pride.

I just don’t understand how your beliefs intertwine with playing competitive soccer. Everyone is entitled to their opinions; however, this is not something that is an “opinion” gay marriage is legal. Whether you support gay marriage is a different story, but insignificant due to the national support of the law. You are wearing a jersey that represents your nation. A nation that supports gay marriage whether you wear the rainbow number uniform or not.

Everyone is entitled to their beliefs, they are essentially the thread that holds together the fabric of who we are, but this no longer is a religious preference. You not supporting gay rights will not prevent gay marriage, and furthermore, it will not change the law by any means. I’m sorry to say this Jaelene Hinkle, but at this point your belief is irrelevant.

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